Saturday, 31 January 2015

Anatomies of Melancholy 8-880

a man incomprehensibly inconveniences

pleasure notwithstanding we excellent

depopulations rogues overstocked with

magistracies prodigious works witness

Monday, 26 January 2015

Anatomies of Melancholy 7-880

a hot Leicestershire misunderstanding 

impossibilities extraordinary with it 

sufficiently dwelling opportune winds 

abroad convenient weather tempestuous

Sunday, 25 January 2015

Anatomies of Melancholy 6-880

a few Worcestershire excommunications 

slaughterhouses circumstances with it 

majestical Apollo disallowing weather 

divinity advantageous times frustrate

Saturday, 24 January 2015

Anatomies of Melancholy 5-880

O bad lasciviousness inextinguishable 

vainglorious Constantine’s time brags

notwithstanding opposite presented by 

Virgil worshipped amongst saturnalias

Friday, 23 January 2015

Anatomies of Melancholy 4-880

a sea submissiveness procrastinations

melancholy perturbations mind produce 

slaughterhouses remote transported to 

enticing Philostratus cries Charybdis

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Anatomies of Melancholy 3-880

I in inextinguishable Nottinghamshire

philosopher’s inconveniences best eat

imprisonment fasting mentioned venery

opposite magistrates their temperance