Sunday, 8 February 2015

Anatomies of Melancholy 16-880

a cold promiscuously incomprehensible 

Leicestershire notwithstanding is hot  

opposite flame neighbouring countries

disallowing boisterous strange Apollo

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Anatomies of Melancholy 15-880

I omit Staffordshire procrastinations

unseasonable Nottinghamshire is tract

Worcestershire naturally shortest cut

ashamed report Agamemnon’s sacrificed

Friday, 6 February 2015

Anatomies of Melancholy 14-880

a most superstitious Northamptonshire 

superstition counterfeiting new Syria 

Gloucestershire canticles affected it

months hundred casualties quarrelling

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Anatomies of Melancholy 13-880

a wild extraordinary Northamptonshire

censures Nottinghamshire as discussed

Leicestershire where Warwickshire was 

nightingale corrupting grammar taught

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Anatomies of Melancholy 12-880

I form metamorphosed Northamptonshire

infinite transportation and tortoises

slaughterhouses lanes fraternities of

hobgoblins satirically cannot redress

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Anatomies of Melancholy 11-880

I and Northamptonshire irreconcilable

metamorphosed Nottinghamshire so much

perspectives contradict planets stars

headlong heaven commodity sovereignty