and this breathes such earth and creatures
breathes on earth
airy creatures musick
airy such musick
of my men
such another of
another affordest
bad the nightingale thou affordest
but when thou dead
but heaven when
and dead in heaven
alive and saints in both
alive the saints
provided for that loves thou
provided robin
that thou honest robin musick hast
honest what musick
and the lord what
and say lord little linnet
and say the little
earth and lark
the above earth tit
lark lifted above
the tit be lifted
laverock well be the laverock
might well namely
the voice
might as namely her voice
seasons as of her
particular seasons
redoubling of their particular
and redoubling in
their doubling
and like in the doubling
the like falling and
also do rising
and birds also
rising smaller birds
the natural, the
smaller descants
nay the sweet descants
nay the sweet
reach to airs
can reach clear
instrument can
the clear
often the art
or very often no
have very as
no, I have ditties
as I such ditties hear
as forth such should hear warble forth securely
should months
sleeps securely
and when the
spring and midnight
when cheerful spring at midnight
not ceased voices
bid are not melodious voice
miracles are their
to think thrassel
and thrassel make
blackbird and might make the blackbird