Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Pursuit #10

through gateways and through gateways
    ploughed fields and among sheepfolds
and several ploughed fields
    and among sheepfolds
of several ploughed fields
    and the edges of several ploughed fields
along the edges of several ascend
    along the edges of
to ascend along the edges
    I had to ascend along
return, I had to ascend to return
    I had to
I refused to return
    I had as I refused to return
it served as I refused
    to which it served as I refused
the fields which it served
    as into the fields which it served
having emerged into the fields
    which to exist having emerged into the fields
it ceased to exist having emerged into
    until it ceased to exist having emerged
and stones until it ceased to exist
    of mud and stones until it ceased
bed of mud and stones
    until a river bed of mud and stones
than a river bed of mud no better than
    a river bed where it was no better than a river
untrimmed hedges where it was no better than
    under untrimmed hedges where it was no better
down under untrimmed hedges
    where it was precipitously down under untrimmed hedges
then precipitously down under
    and then precipitously down
uphill and then precipitously uphill
    and then uphill and uphill