Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Water Agrimony

in cold grounds
   in running waters
and also by running waters
   by ponds and cold grounds
ditches’ sides and also by ditches’ sides
   by ponds and by ponds and ditches’ sides
and also by ditches’ sides
   cold grounds by ponds and running waters
and also by running waters
   in cold grounds 

Sunday, 26 April 2020

Adder’s Tongue

but one leaf
   but the stalk
with the stalk which grows one leaf
   which grows with
with which grows one leaf
   which grows the stalk
with the stalk but one leaf 

Friday, 24 April 2020

Adder’s Tongue

and the Moon
   and of the Moon
under the dominion of an herb
   under the dominion
it is an herb it is

may be they are
   may be planets they are
of what planets?
   dominion of what dominion?