Sunday, 29 November 2020

The Common Alder-Tree


 in moist woods

   in May or May

and moist woods

   flowering in April

or watery places

   and watery places

flowering in April

   flowering in April

watery places and watery places

   or flowering in April

moist woods and May or May

   in moist woods




Saturday, 28 November 2020

The Black Alder-Tree


abideth like a hedge-bush

   abideth like the woods

its branches, the woods

   or a hedge-bush

spreading its branches

   a tree or a tree spreading

spreading, a tree or a tree

   its branches spreading

a hedge-bush or the woods

   its branches

the woods abideth like a hedge-bush abideth like




Wednesday, 18 November 2020

of PLAGUE and FIRE #13


no mouth nor tongue

    no mouth and therefore bodies

and therefore properly as

    nor tongue

who have bodies?

    men have properly as men have

who have?

    who have? men have

properly as men have bodies

    who have?

nor tongue properly as

    and therefore bodies

and therefore no mouth nor tongue

    no mouth