Tuesday, 9 February 2016

From, A Country Diary


greenery as the greenery
the woodland
part of the woodland
as the long dead
to become part of the long dead tree
back to become tree

soil already soil
leafmould the darkly wet leafmould
already there are – 
the darkly wet leafmould
there are winged-seeds
the darkly wet leafmould
winged-seeds of sycamore
the darkly wet leafmould
of sycamore
lying amid the darkly wet leafmould
lying amid the darkly wet – 
the darkly wet leafmould
the darkly wet leafmould
the darkly wet leafmould



the snow began
the snow on my –
black snowflakes
on my –
black began to fall
to catch snowflakes
to fall
I went out
to catch –
I went out
I went out
I went

away across away
I stopped
the hill
I stopped
across the small lane
below the hill
the small lane
and the fields below
and into
into the fields

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